Yay! this computer is finally working!!! I've been in Ghana since sataday and its already been quite aN EXPERIENCE! When we arrived in Accra on sataday morning we were immediatly placed in our "tro tro" which would take us to our village. It was a LONG journey on very bumpy roads! when we arrived- 8 hrs after leaving Accra we were greeted by what feelt like hundreds of ghanan children all dsperatly grabbing at our hands and screaming "brouni! brouni!!" (white person). When we finally were able to shake them off we set down our things and ate. That evening we had to go and meet with the village elders!! that is something i wont forget. it was alot of shaking hands and we had to tell them our mission.
the next day sunday we went to the church of grace. churches is ghana are very different from churches in UK. THEY DONT SEM TO HAVE ANY ORDER. ITS JUST RANDOM! People just came and stared singing. we then played for hours with the children who are soooo cute!! we went to see the place where they collect water which is very steep and difficult to manage but with a 8l bucket of water on your head ir must be impossible!
Today we began teaching which was very strange but o much fun
right ive got to go as my internets about to run out!!! more soon!!